Featured Podcast Episodes
September 10, 2023 – Be A Better Being: Leia Baez—Loving Her Sober Self and Lifting Up Others
July 24, 2023 – Stack’n’Days Podcast Episode 23: Having sober support sisters with Leia Baez
June 21, 2023 – Bravery + Leadership, Bravership: Nicole M. Bianchi’s Being Brave Interview Series with special guest Leia Baez
May 31, 2022 – Unapologetic @ 50: There is Power in Your Story with Leia Baez
April 24, 2022 – Shape Your Path Fit-Cast: Leia Baez – Author & Motivational Speaker
January 25, 2022 – Releasing Trauma; a Survivor’s Podcast: Having the Courage to Be You, With Leia Baez
Meet Leia Baez
July 6, 2023 – Canvas Rebel
Omaha mother shares sobriety journey in award-winning book
Oct. 19, 2022 – ketv.com
Positively the Heartland: Leia Baez shares story of her hardship and inspires millions
Apr. 06, 2022 – 3newsnow.com
OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) – Leia Baez. Her name may look familiar — perhaps from Omaha World-Herald bylines, where Baez won awards for her reporting.
“I’ve been a storyteller my whole life,” she said. “I never expected though sharing my skeletons and letting them out, but it’s been so freeing.”
Reluctant, Baez first shared those skeletons in 2018. She earned her master’s degree from Bellevue University and was asked to deliver the commencement speech.
Omaha mom opens up about overcoming divorce, addiction and childhood trauma in new memoir
Mar. 4, 2022 – Omaha World-Herald (requires subscription)
OMAHA, Neb. (OWH) – Leia Baez will never forget the first night back in her childhood bedroom at her parents’ house in 2015.
The Omaha mom was 32, going through a divorce and completely unsure of what she was doing in life.
That night, she laid crying in her childhood bed and wondered, “Is this a demotion in life? Am I really sleeping in my childhood bedroom in my 30s?”
Leia Baez recently published a memoir called “A Star for Stella,” which talks about her divorce, overcoming alcoholism and more.
Patron Spotlight: Leia Baez
Apr. 7, 2022 – omahalibrary.org
OMAHA, Neb. (Omaha Library) – During National Library Week (April 3-9), Omaha Public Library asked patrons to share their library stories. Local author and journalist Leia Baez shares how her library experiences helped her become the person she is today in this special guest blog post. Find “A Star for Stella: A Mother’s Journey to Overcome” in OPL’s collection.
Mom overcoming addiction gives back to Omaha maternity home with preorders of book
Jan. 28, 2022 – wowt.com
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Ever since she was a child, writing books was a dream for Leia Baez.
“I remember attending an author meeting at the Omaha Public Library when I was in elementary school and just to know someone’s stories was inside those pages was so compelling to me,” said Baez.
Leia did grow up to write, working 14 years as a journalist, sharing the stories of others but Leia realized she had a story of her own to tell. She had been binge drinking for more than 15 years.
“Came to the realization that I’m abusing alcohol to cover up some feelings and past traumas that I never worked to heal. My drinking amped up in college, there was a daily college drinking special and so it continued to progress and to only get worse.”
Lt. Sherie Thomas, Leia Baez awarded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. honor
Jan. 15, 2021 – ketv.com
OMAHA, Neb. — Every year, the city of Omaha and Douglas County shine the light on employees who go above and beyond the normal calls of service.
2020 was no different — especially amid civil unrest and a deadly pandemic.
This year, city and county leaders gathered to recognize Omaha police Lt. Sherie Thomas and Douglas County Public Information Officer Leia Baez for the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Award. Both were nominated by their colleagues and were selected by a selection committee.
Baez serves on the COVID-19 Unified Command for Douglas County, helping relay important information to public entities and fellow community agencies. During the pandemic, Baez recruited Spanish-speaking volunteers to help staff COVID-19 testing sites, as well as keep struggling Douglas County residents informed on rental assistance programs and other financial help outlets.
1 Year Alcohol Free: Leia Baez is interviewed by Neil Nelkin on News Talk 1290 KOIL, Nov. 10, 2020
Nov. 10, 2020 – KOIL News Talk 1290
One year. No beer. Leia Baez decided to live alcohol free on Nov. 7, 2019 after years of binge drinking. Her life has dramatically changed for the better since becoming sober. Listen to her interview with the legendary radio host, Neil Nelkin of News Talk 1290 KOIL in Omaha, Nebraska.